Musicians can be classified by their roles in performing music and writing music. A person who makes music a profession, anyone (professional or not) who is skilled in making music or performing music creatively, or one who composes, conducts, or performs music (especially instrumental music) is a musician.

Musicians can be of any music style not limited to classical, orchestral or choral, and musicians can have skills in many different styles outside of their professional experience. Examples of musicians' skills are the orchestration of music, improvisation, conducting, singing, composing, arranging, and/or being an instrumentalist

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samedi 20 août 2011

sylvain kustyan in my house

Sylvain Kustyan Musician
In my House

The Lyrics - Sylvain Kustyan - In my House.
In my house I've got many nice rooms
Bathrooms, a kitchen and a large living room
I've got a big bed
I've got a big chair
I've got a bear
Who likes brownies and bread!

In my house I've got many strange things
I've got a mouse who's got a very nice ring
I've got a red rat
I've got a big bat
I've some cars
Full of chocolate bars

In my house I've got many strange things
I've a got a cat who's got a crown like a king
I've a got a black snake
Who likes to eat cake
I've got some jars
Full of twinkling stars

Yes, in my house I've got many strange things
Come and have fun you'll be treated like kings!

Yes, in my house I've got many strange things
Come and have fun you'll be treated like kings!

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2 commentaires:

  1. Une très bonne chanson pour enseigner les pièces de la maison. Très intéressant.

  2. Je l'ai testée cette semaine et les élèves ont adoré! Et surtout bien mémorisé le lexique et les structures! Je la conseille vraiment!
